Une fois que vous avez rempli le test de placement en langue, nous connaîtrons votre niveau de connaissance et nous pourrons vous recommander le cours qui correspond à vos attentes.

Veuillez suivre ces règles tout en remplissant le test de placement :

  • Assurez-vous de ne pas passer plus de 40 minutes à faire le test.
  • Vous ne devez pas utiliser de dictionnaire ou d'aide quelconque afin que le résultat reflète précisément vos connaissances.
  • Arrêtez de remplir et soumettez le test dès que les questions deviennent trop difficiles pour vous. (Ne devinez pas les réponses.

Si vous êtes un débutant complet, il n'est pas nécessaire de faire le test.

Une fois que vous avez rempli le test, il sera automatiquement envoyé à notre centre linguistique. Nous le vérifierons et vous informerons de votre niveau lors de notre rendez-vous.

Bonne chance !

Commencez le test.


1. Ann ........ shopping every day

2. Frank and Henry .... tennis now.

3. We haven't got .... apples.

4. ".......... I watch TV now? "No, clean up your room first."

5. I'd like a ........ of milk, please.

6. Betty is ......... than Jane.

7. There is a red car in the street. ........... car belongs to my friend.

8. ........... touch the iron. It's very hot.

9. There ....... a lot of people at the cinema last night

10. .......... your jumper. It's very hot

11. My new flat has central........, so it's really warm

12. If you give somebody something e.g. a drink, you say: "............."

13. .......... to my party tomorrow ?

14. Look at the clouds ! I think it ........ soon.

15.She wasn't at home when the telephone .......

16. Tell me about your holiday in England. What was the weather ..... ?

17. Excuse me, how do I ....... to the post of from here ?

18. He's an early bird and he ..... gets up late.

19. If you don't study, you ...... pass the exam.

20. Jones is .... of all the players in our basketball team.

21. "Thank you very much indeed." ".........."

22. .... to London ?

23. The window .... by some boys playing football yesterday morning.

24. Careful students do not....... mistakes.

25. Yesterday I attended ........ a boring lecture that I nearly fell asleep.

26. I............. in the garden when it started to rain.

27. If you want someone to give you something, you ask ........ it.

28. This is a no-entry area. We ....... go in. If they catch us, we will be in trouble.

29. "Why are you late?" "Because I ........ my bus".

30. Janet has bought ....... pine furniture for her bedroom.

31. We're going to the cinema. Why don't you ...... us ?

33. John doesn't smoke, ...... ?

32. I like girls ..... are pretty

34. Ted leads a very healthy lifestyle. He ........ drinks nor smokes.

35. Paul moved ...... last month.

36. ...... has ever treated me like that !

37. I ........... my dentist tomorrow.

38. Do you know that time .....?

39. If I had enough money, I ...... a new bicycle

40. Pay received on a weekly basis is called a ......

41. Fred's mother doesn't let him ..... television for hours.

42. If you do not accept an offer, an invitation or a job, you turn it ......

43. ........ here long?

44. If a task or a job is challenging, it is very .....

45. Barbara told me she ....... to Poland the following year.

46. If it is about to rain, you might say : " ........"

47. Philip ...... going for a swim

48. I wish I ........ drive a car. I think I'll take some driving lessons.

49. This time tomorrow we ..... to London

50. He lives on the ....... of London

51. I'll never forget ...... her

52. Take a jacket with you in case it ..... cold

53. He has a reputation for being ....... to his employees

54. My neighbour's car breaks down a lot. He always ...... by the mechanics at the local garage.

55. I'd rather we ...... until tomorrow

56. Oxfam is ...... to helping the poor.

57. Joanna ...... English for 3 years before she went to England

58. Richard is ..... enough to apply for the job. They are looking for someone with more experience

59. It's a good thing the driver managed to brake just in time. You ...... killed

60. If a car pulls up, it .........

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